It is getting closer to Christmas. Give yourself a break today. Whether a full time housewife, a working wife, or husband, take time off from cooking, shopping and whatever else may be happening for Christmas. Hopefully you have everything you need in the house. I am almost there, just need to check firewood and charcoal. Everything else is ready. Still some presents to get because I am waiting cheques to clear the bank. So if you have everything ready, kick back and relax. Give yourself a lunch time date with your spouse. If work precludes this, then lunch or dinner with a friend. (Of coarse if we are fasting for Advent, it might be a meatless lunch). The idea though is just to take a break from the endless activity, Christmas music and what not. Advent should be a time to get ready for the second coming and for Christmas. Spiritual preparation is every bit as important, if not more so than physical preparation. Do not let business rob you of spiritual preparation, and not just at home, but church as well. Men and other last minute shoppers, do it tomorrow, do not wait till the 24th. Believe me, it is not worse it, you will just stress out.
If you are on track, then start looking for the darkest corner of your heart. Whether it is jealousy, selfishness, gossip, or whatever, that is where Jesus wants to be born today. When he came about 2000 years ago, he was born in a stable in a cave. He looks for the darkness, so that he can conquer the darkness with light. Repent as you are able, and allow Jesus to come in. He stands at the door knocking, but awaits our permission to enter.
Some do’s:
Don’t worry
Do sit down with spouse and make sure you are both on the same page.
Meditate on the Sermons of John the Baptist in the Bible and Advent wreath lighting lessons.
Do sing Advent songs.
Don’t get excited about the little things, nor the big things.
Take time to pray.
Give the house a once over. Get those kids to give a hand.
Make sure you already know where your Christmas table cloth, turkey plate, crackers or any other special things you want for Christmas are.
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